Same Day Dentist San Diego

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What you need to recognize about same day dental implants

When it comes to tooth replacement, tooth implants usually offer the most convenience. However, most people are opposed to getting instant dental implants since they normally take longer than most dental appliances to fit.

Despite that, at Same Day Dentist dental clinic, we offer quick and convenient dental implants that are fitted in just a single day.

These implants are similar to ordinary implants and are not in any way inferior to them. Get dental implants from our experienced same day dentist San Diego and enjoy a convenient set of new teeth.


Before fitting the implants, we will first check on your dental health and whether your jaw bone is strong sufficient to support the dental implants.

If not or if you any form of oral infection, we may have to perform a bone graft or general treatment before placing the implants.

If any teeth require to be extracted, this will be done in a moment as the dentist prepares your mouth for the implant.


Dental implants are usually fitted inside the jawbone.

This means that we will have to drill into the jawbone in order to place the implant.

Our same day dentist San Diego will first use general anesthesia to induce unconsciousness after which he will drill through the gum to place the implant. Once the implant is fitted, the dentist will then place a permanent dental crown to complete the artificial tooth.

What to expect after the procedure

You may experience soreness after getting the dental implant fitted. If necessary, pain relief medication will be given to reduce soreness.

Our same day dentist San Diego will provide you with instructions on how best to protect your new teeth as they heal.

Visit us today and enjoy the best same day dental implants!